Gratitude and Generosity: Nurturing a Thankful Heart with Etiquette Classes for Adults

Recently, I had the privilege of attending a course entitled, “Savoir Vivre.” The course was inspiring and I left feeling like I had been filled to overflowing with joy and a renewed passion to assist others with my etiquette classes for adults and children. In this post, I’ll share a few things I learned and explain how gratitude precedes manners.

A Thankful Heart & a Love for People – The Golden Rule

Gratitude and Generosity: Nurturing a Thankful Heart with Etiquette Classes for AdultsThe “Savoir Vivre” course I took was held in Washington D.C. with a top Etiquette Consultant who consults with many on Capitol Hill. She thoroughly covered the materials and spoke with enthusiasm.

Later, as I reviewed my coursework, I pondered what encouragement I needed to take from this training to equip others back in Texas. I realized that my experiences could help to inspire adults as well as youth and young adults in Dallas. My private or group etiquette classes for adults are designed to help students cultivate a grateful heart and classes this fall / winter will have a strong emphasis on gratitude.

I find that those who have grateful hearts usually have manners. The difference between manners and etiquette is that “manners” are connected to behavioral traits, while “etiquette” refers to a given set of rules within a setting.

To give an example, while teaching dining etiquette, I teach my students to master the use of all utensils and to think about all they have been given. Above all, I train them to keep their focus on others.

Gratitude starts in the heart. Each one of us must live and direct our minds into a state of Thanksgiving. We must observe and respect all. When I teach any etiquette class, we take time to give a blessing or have a moment of silence to reflect upon blessings.

Tips for a Grateful Heart

  • Live Holy when no one is looking.
  • When discouraged, start naming your blessings.
  • At all times, maintain a sense of situational awareness so you can be aware of the needs of those around you.
  • Take time to learn cultural differences and to respect all.
  • Keep a joyous spirit so you can “fill the buckets” of others with joy.
  • Be a problem solver.
  • Grant mercy.
  • Build strong family relationships and make things right that might have gone wrong.
  • Stop to do an unexpected extraordinary deed.
  • Never keep a “mental tally” of what you’ve done right and others have done wrong.
  • Seek to make a difference in your community.
  • Passion is not emotion, it is sacrifice.
  • To live is to die to one’s self.
  • Respect in the home is the beginning of manners. Give respect to Grandparents. Teach children about their family legacy and that their behavior represents the family name of all members. Adults must live as examples to the next generation as well. Manners must start in the home…a Manners teacher cannot change a child’s training at home.
  • Take time for daily self-examination…this can help to reveal areas in need of change or growth.
  • Have a consistent prayer life.
  • Seek opportunities to learn.
  • Trust and obey…authorities, elders and God.
  • Take time to listen and strive to become a full-bodied, active listener.
  • Take time to give compliments to others.

Lisa’s Etiquette Classes for Adults Can Help Refine Your Social Interactions

Lisa B. Burdette, Dallas Etiquette ExpertIn conclusion, manners cannot exist without a grateful heart and a grateful heart comes from God.
Remember, a pure heart must precede good deeds and pure relationships must precede pure hearts. They all go hand in hand. If you are fighting with your spouse, children, co-worker or neighbor you will not be empowered to make a difference. A thankful, grateful heart is the way to empower, thrive and transform the lives of others and live a rewarding and fulfilling life.

Looking for etiquette classes for adults? Here in Dallas, Lisa Burdette offers private and group lessons to help men and women learn the proper way to behave in the corporate workplace, at job interviews and even while in the home. The Dallas School of Etiquette also has classes in “manners for kids”, so children can learn the skills they need for life while still young.

Reach out via our Contact page to request your session with Lisa today!

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