Easter is the most important Holiday for Christians because it is a reminder Christ is alive. Easter Church and Easter Dinners will take place this Sunday. Fish is traditional for Good Friday as well as hot cross buns. Many will celebrate Easter Dinner by eating lamb. Boiled eggs are traditional for breakfast. A Simnel cake can be served for afternoon tea decorated with 11 marzipan balls representing the apostles.
The Egg hunt should have meaning. Take the time to go over the following during your Easter celebration:
The egg represents new life, rebirth and fertility. In Judaism, eggs are the highlight of the Passover plate. Eggs were forbidden during the 40 days of Lent and were collected and decorated. - The Easter Bunny- The Easter bunny arrives represents new life. The rabbit was the symbol for fertility lore, while the hare was the Egyptian symbol of fertility. The Easter bunny was introduced by the Germans Protestants; Osterhage or Easter Hare. He brought candies and goodies to good children.
- Among the popular Easter symbol was the lamb. The lamb represents Jesus, as it embodies purity and goodness. Jesus was crucified during Passover week and then made the ultimate sacrifice, his life. Jesus is referred to as “The Lamb of God”
- The Easter Ham – This meat was eaten on festive occasions and during wedding from pre-Christian up to today. The pig is an ancient symbol of good luck
- Sweet Breads- are a tradition of lent. The resurrected Christ is called, “the bread of life” John 6.35. Hot Cross buns are usually served in Good Friday. A cross on the bun represented the bread was ” blessed.”
- The Easter Lily- symbolizes white petals, life , purity, innocence, joy and peace. This flower is connected with motherhood.
- The Easter outfit- symbolizes a new beginning, a new life in Christ Jesus.
- The red bird is thought to symbolize the blood of Jesus.