This Mother’s Day is special! Perhaps it’s because I’ve matured and now appreciate my Mom as an eternal wellspring. Her constant instruction remains as fervent as ever and her zest for life remains, despite the loss of my Dad.
I could not allow this Mother’s Day to pass without paying a tribute to my Mom. Her name is Patsy Harper Burton.
My Growing Up Years
Mom gave birth to me in 1960 at age 24. Eighteen months later she went to work for Judge Jerry White, while a friend from our church cared for me as a baby. Mom would clearly tell me throughout my childhood that God was her number one priority, my Dad was number two and I was her third priority.
She never allowed her job, friends or hobbies get in front of her job as a mother. In fact, she would take her lunch hour at 3 pm and pick me up from school every day of my life through high school. The car would always be the first in line with a bag from Dairy Queen awaiting my dismissal from school. Oh how delicious those burgers were and how excited I would be to see her waiting! She would drive me back to the law firm where she worked, and I would do my homework in the law library. Sometimes, I’d walk to piano lessons or attend whatever activity she had planned for me while she worked until 5 pm.
After work, we would drive home to dinner that she cooked before going to work. Her meals were organic and fresh from my Dad’s garden. Meats were from cows raised on our farm. Our desserts were homemade pound cakes that she would bake every Saturday.
On Saturdays, Mom would take me to Woolworth’s Diner for lunch. Then we would shop at Belk and wait for my Dad to return from the cattle sale so we could go to Red Lobster together. My parents never had date night without me! I’ve never heard of such a thing and probably wouldn’t have understood. We were a family and they seemed to enjoy my presence. I always felt loved and wanted.
On Sunday, my Mom would rise between 6:30-7:00 am and prepare a large Sunday dinner of roast, potatoes, carrots, green beans and iced tea. Dinner rolls were served with melted hot butter. At 9:00 am she would go to Sunday School, then church at 11:00. After that, she would return home and finish preparing lunch…it was usually on the table by 12:45. Mom always washed all the dishes and would not allow my Dad and I in the kitchen.
After lunch, Mom would prepare a cake or treats and we would take dessert to my grandparents Mary Lee and Vincent Harper who lived in Kingston approximately 12 miles away. They would be standing on their front porch awaiting our arrival. We would fellowship and visit. After our visit, we would drive home and prepare for Sunday night church. My Mom would assist me in preparing for Youth Choir and request that I practice the piano. After Sunday night church, we would gather at Beck’s Diner with friends from church for a burger. Then off to bed to rest for Monday morning!
My Mom’s Work and Marriage
Mom loved her job and community. She would often pick me up from school to come and sit in on a trial going on in Cartersville. It was always a thrilling experience for me. In 2001, she moved next door to me. She would cook and often clean my home after Christmas or Easter while we would travel on vacations. She never complained. She was dearly loved by her son-in-law…so much so that he employed her in his office and she worked for him for 10 years. After his passing, D4C Dental Brands asked her to stay and she worked there until 2022 at age 85. She worked a full-time job from age 18 to 85! No leave of absences or time off, except two-week vacations and holiday breaks. Her work ethic is untouchable!
My Mom drove me to and from school daily. She worked 8 hours a day and prepared every evening meal. Pat was also the President of the PTA. She raised money, led many events for both my elementary school as well as Cass High School. She was a problem solver. She cleaned her home and assisted my Dad with many of his duties as Chairman of the Bartow County School Board. She would often entertain my Mama Pauline and Aunt Lila and Uncle Ed for dinner. She never complained and always tried to please my Dad. He was a happy man and prayed to God in his last years to be taken before her. Sixty-two years of marriage where two people lived for their God, country, community and family. They were true servants and lived their resume. They truly lived lives of service.
From Christmas 1987 to 2022, Mom continues to give family members wrapped presents or cards with money. She often shops for her great-grandchildren. She never misses a baby shower or family event. Mom participates in church activities and takes all of the members of her Sunday school class gifts. She remembers her friends and takes food to the sick. Yes, at 86 she delivers food to others! Oh, glory, how fortunate I am to have Pat as my Mom.
My Mom’s Parenting Skills
As for parenting me, Mom was the director and I was the student. She never asked, only directed. Today, I’m happy to say, “Thank you, God, that I had a Mom and not a girlfriend.” She gave clear and precise direction. Her parenting was not in the form of a democracy.
Praise the Lord that she walked into my bedroom in 1969 and asked me if I knew Christ. When I told her “no,” she said, “Let’s pray”. One week later, my Uncle Jimmy Waters baptized me.
Mom told me that I was going to college and that I needed to prepare for it. She enrolled me in Junior College as a 12th grader. She told me to apply for scholarships. She told me who to date and not to date. Oh, glory to God! She knew everyone in town and if you had ever been in trouble in Cartersville, Pat knew what, where and why you had been in trouble. She helped me with college applications and visited many colleges with me. Mom spearheaded all my applications. Yes, she helped. She directed. She visited my college weekly. When I applied for scholarships, Mom would follow along behind me, requesting every official in Cartersville to write a recommendation for me.
Mom encouraged me to be a good wife. She never allowed me to speak negatively about my husband or children. She had plenty to say but never allowed me to be negative. After the passing of my husband Jim and my Dad, she encouraged me to live life. She pushed me to work and life. She reached out to love my husband, Elliott, and welcomed him into her home. She was and is a wonderful mother-in-law. She knows how to keep peace and she know how to start a fire when necessary.
My Mom’s Love for Life
Pat takes care of herself, her house and business affairs. She drives a F150 Truck. Mom broke her hip and has recovered amazingly well…she’s a fighter. She has beautiful flowers that she grows and nurtures and even has tomato and squash plants. She cleans her home and never misses my birthday / anniversary or those of her six grandchildren or 10 great-grandchildren. Mom mails each one a present or card with money. Her cards are NEVER late. When there’s a family problem, she prays all day. In 2021, she flew to be at my wedding and welcomed Elliott as her son-in-law. She bought a new gown as if she were 40. She danced and I thought she was 50 years old on the day of my wedding.
Thank You, Mom!
I love my Mom more than words can express. All glory to God for giving me a mother and not a friend. A mother is anointed to divinely lead and I’m so thankful that my mother was a leader.
Today, I hope many mothers will read this story and understand that being a mother is being a director because if you do not direct, society will direct.
Thank you, Mom, for directing me to Christ and teaching me how to be a wife and mother. Thank you for loving Christ and my Dad. When a man prays to die before his wife, you know she has been a good wife.
Mother’s Day is a special day we celebrate all mothers. If you are a mother, accept the responsibility and direct your children. Don’t ask or consult others, but instead spend your time in PRAYER. God is the director of all. He gives us children as gifts only for a short period of time. What we do in those 18 years is our gift to God.
Once again, thank you, Mom! You are the best Mom and also have an incredible story to share with others.