Hard to believe it, but back to school is already approaching! We still have many vacation days left, but it’s time for parents to start preparing their children mentally, physically and spiritually for a grand entrance into the upcoming school year. In this blog post, you’ll learn some tips on manners for kids that will help them to thrive!
How Can You Prepare Your Child for a Successful School Year?
First of all, spend as much time this summer as you can with your children. Talk with them about the upcoming school year and encourage them to embrace their teachers, friends and family with a positive attitude. Discuss the why of having and maintaining good solid, healthy relationships. Explain that teachers are human beings and the more they are respected the better their students will perform.
In addition, talk to your children about respect. Discuss why respect is so important. Suggest to your child that he or she develops a plan of organization for the upcoming year. Work with your child to set up a quiet workplace and test what works best for your child. I strongly recommend noise-canceling headphones to make it easier to focus. If your children share a space, encourage them to personalize their area by decorating a board to serve as a privacy screen.
Take time to attend church. Find an elderly person who needs help. Through these experiences, teach your children social awareness and respect for their grandparents and elderly people. Encourage them to be helpers. Practice situational awareness at home as well. Teach your child to take an interest in all subjects. Teach them to always ask what is needed and teach them how to respect others. One way is by learning a cultural tradition or custom.
Above all, the most important gift you can give your child is time. Time filled with joy, love, instruction and nurture. Yes, instruction. If you don’t spend time teaching your child, society will!
During the summer months, practice setting routines in your family. Creating routines helps children adjust to the new routines of the school year.
At least once this summer, dress up and go out to a nice restaurant or enjoy afternoon tea. It is important for children to see us parents dress up and have fun at the same time. It’s a great way to teach manners for kids in an approachable way!
Manners for Kids: Teach Them Yourself and Sign Up for an Etiquette Class!
Whatever your children decide to become, their path will be assured if they learn to be proper, poised, respectful of all and confident. Lisa’s Back to School class will prepare students with a guide to academic and social success.
Give your child or young adult the gift of learning how to conduct himself or herself. This class will teach social graces, good manners, formal dining skills and effective communication skills. Students will learn power traits that will give them the ability to achieve their goals and dreams!
Subjects that will be addressed:
- School Etiquette
- Teacher Etiquette
- Sports Etiquette, including Gym Etiquette
- -Family and Life Etiquette
- Etiquette for Friends and Romance
- Country Club Etiquette
- -Etiquette in Social Celebrations such as funerals, religious services, graduations, weddings, visiting the sick etc
- Hygiene – How to be your best. Students will learn tips for handling such things as yawning, Hiccups, Nose Blowing, Coughing etc
- How to prepare to be your personal best – self care
- Listening Techniques
- Restaurant Etiquette
- How to Interact in Conversations
- Library Etiquette
- The Thank you note – why, when and how soon
Each student will be given the book, The Rules of Civility by George Washington, as well as Thank You notes.
The Dallas School of Etiquette offers both private and group lessons! Reach out via our Contact page to request our Etiquette services today.