Etiquette is a moral code driven from one’s heart and soul in an effort to make others feel respected. True Etiquette is not a set of rules, yet a behavior that must be sincere. Manners are a set of rules that are driven by date, time and a given culture. A sincere heart will go a long way in adapting to the social morays of the given culture. We must constantly strive to seek the manners of the given culture, date and time.
10 Etiquette tips straight from the heart:
- Swearing and improper use of the English language is never acceptable.
- Always dress your best, make sure your nails, hair and clothing are properly groomed for the occasion. Your appearance is judged in the first 10 seconds of greeting.
- Look others into the eye when speaking. Looking at one’s phone or around the room when speaking states “I do not care”
- Make all communication clear and concise, never respond with a “Uh”, never great with the word “Hi” Always say “Hello or Good Morning, never ever is BRO appropriate.
- Please and Thank you will take you far in life. A thankful heart will leave behind your attitude of gratitude.
- Always tip.
- Never leave trash or belongings behind.
- Always be on time. Being on time says I respect you and the place or event you am attending.
- Stand when a Judge, Doctor, or Pastor enter a room. This is a basic formality that says I respect your efforts in expertise.
- Above all strive to maintain a pure heart that truly loves people and your manners will shine.
- Always state your name and repeat the name of the person you are meeting.