Looking to Improve your Business Etiquette Skills? It Starts at Home! Expert Lisa Burdette Shares How to Be the Perfect Hostess

If you are preparing to host an event, you know that the duties of a Perfect Hostess can be stressful! After all, there’s food to attend to, a home to clean and activities to plan. However, did you know that a pure heart with a joyous spirit (along with a desire to accommodate all guests) is the beginning of good hostess etiquette? In today’s blog post, I will share some tips to help you master the art of the perfect hostess. I’ll also explain how these skills can also translate to the workplace and good business etiquette.

Hostess Etiquette Tips for a Housewarming Party

Looking to Improve your Business Etiquette Skills? It Starts at Home! Expert Lisa Burdette Shares How to Be the Perfect HostessWhat are some etiquette tips for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere at a housewarming party, especially when guests might not know each other well? Read on below for more details…

  • First of all, a perfect hostess must display a joyous attitude that makes all guests feel welcomed and happy! You want your guests to know that you are excited they are attending.
  • Secondly, the host or hostess should ensure that all guests are involved in conversation with others. If someone is not engaged in a conversation, check to see if they are listening to others with interest. If you find that a guest is estranged (such as standing alone), intervene and ask questions to engage with your guest. Bring others into the conversation with you. Essentially, a hostess should help guests to connect.
  • Ask all guests to send you any special dietary requests that they may have. Tell them to submit these special dietary requests at least one week prior to your event. Print your menu ahead of time and send to all guests.
  • Stand at the door and greet all guests as they arrive. Give all guests a name tag that you have prepared ahead of time.
  • Direct all guests by showing them where the event is held in your home and the location of the restroom. Help connect them with other guests and then return to your door.
  • Make place cards for your table. This will eliminate any confusion, plus, people feel happy when they see their names at the table.
  • Always provide a small “take away” for guests to leave with. This does not need to be anything big, as adults love goodie bags, no matter the size.
  • Know your guests. Take time to learn about them before they arrive, so you are prepared to interact with them at the event.
  • Dress up and always dress better than your guests.
  • Make your party an event. In other words, make it fun for people!
  • I always recommend trays or bite-sized foods. Make sure tongs and toothpicks are provided. Never place a guest in a situation where they are forced to use their hands to serve.
  • Try to use cloth napkins and provide paper as an extra option. Always use a tablecloth.
  • Choose a theme or name for your party, dinner or whatever you are hosting. This helps guests know what to expect and makes the event more fun.
  • I try to implement games or a fun activity and provide prizes. Even the smallest gift is always appreciated.
  • Make sure your home or event location has a clean smell.
  • Put away pets when entertaining. It is inappropriate to assume that your guests will love animals.
  • Set aside a time during your event for gratitude. For me, that is a blessing. I offer this time for a blessing in business settings as well as in personal settings. Whether you offer a blessing or a time of pause to give thanks, this will set the atmosphere for a wonderful event.
  • Designate the person who should give a toast ahead of time. Offer club soda and accommodate those who do not drink.
  • Walk around and do not sit down unless all guests have been seated. Remain in constant motion so as to secure the well-being of all guests.
  • Never argue or disagree with your spouse or partner. Guest should always see and feel unity and love in your home.
  • Situational Awareness – As a hostess, it is your responsibility to exert your best effort to focus on the needs of your guests.
  • Finally, stand at the door until your guests are out of sight.

Host or Hostess Etiquette Summary

The Perfect Hostess Will Welcome Guests and Help Them Feel ComfortableSo, to summarize, remember the following:

  • Focus on your guests.
  • Plan to walk around and engage with guests.
  • Bid guests farewell until they are out of sight.
  • Never leave guests while they are preparing to leave.

The host or hostess should concentrate on creating a warm and welcoming environment for guests. Hosts should serve plentiful food & drink and strive to gather compatible and convivial people so everyone will have a good time.

By being mindful of the above, you will ensure that your dinner or event will stand out because you created a space for pleasant company and fellowship with others.

The hostess is in charge of the event’s direction and sets the mood for her guest. A joyous heart with a love for people is a sure way to be the perfect hostess. You should project sincerity and concern for the needs of your guests. Remember, you are creating a memory!

Our Recent Mention in the Press…

We were named an expert in a Rent. article. Check out the featured article: 7 Housewarming Party Ideas for the Perfect Celebration | Rent. Rent is a subsidiary of Redfin.com.

How Does Business Etiquette Relate to Hosting an Event?

As we have discussed, the perfect host or hostess works hard to ensure that the needs of his or her guests are met. In a similar way, business professionals should always focus on serving their clients or customers to help them have a pleasant experience while interacting with your company. This business etiquette practice of “others first” will help you succeed with your boss, with co-workers in your workplace and while out at a corporate dinner event.

Contact our Expert for your Hostess or Business Etiquette Needs

Lisa B. Burdette, Dallas Etiquette ExpertDallas etiquette expert, Lisa Burdette, offers private and group training in business etiquette, dining and social graces. She has successfully helped many individuals with polishing their professional image and increasing their personal confidence at work, in school and in their personal lives. In addition, Lisa has worked with corporate clients such as the Bank of Texas, TEXO (The Construction Association) and others to assist with workplace etiquette training and workshops.

Ready to elevate your employees’ social skills with business etiquette? Reach out via our Contact page or Book Online and request your session with Lisa today!

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